Well, at 38 weeks (on Friday) I am still 0 cm dilated, but I am now 30% effaced... which is good... I told myself that I would still be zero before I went in so that I wouldn't be disappointed. I did go and have some Mexican food for lunch with John, some spicy salsa... but of course, it didn't cause any contractions... :0)
I may take a walk tonight, and try to do that more often to get things moving along so that come next week there might be some slight change. Madilyn has moved down lower, and I am telling you, I can tell!! She is definitely putting pressure down in my pelvis, causing it to be uncomfortable sitting in certain positions and on hard metal chairs. It also can be uncomfortable to walk, especially when Madilyn is in a certain position and my entire right leg goes numb... such a weird feeling! My feel are not swollen today, but Sunday I couldn't see the bones of my ankles, and even when putting my feet up, it wouldn't go down! I think it truly depends on the humidity of the day, it was very rainy on Sunday.
My blood pressure was slightly up, but nothing to cause any concern, and Madilyn's heart rate was perfect and growing right on schedule! Dr. Johnson (my OB) said that if she had to guess, she would think Madilyn will be around 7 1/2 lbs, but sometimes babies can surprise us! She doesn't think she'll be a real big baby though, she's growing great.
Well, that's my most recent update... and I can't think of anything else at the moment... Let's pray that she comes right when it's time, and that she makes it into this world safe and sound... I am so thankful that we have such an amazing and loving God who gave me this precious little girl, and I can't wait to meet her!!!!
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