So yesterday, my little peanut Madilyn turned 5 months old, I can't believe it?! How does time fly by so fast??? I am planning on taking her "5 month" pictures tonight, so I will make sure to post those later.
She is developing so quickly to me, but she's just amazing in all ways to me! :)
She has been getting so good at rolling from her back to her tummy, especially when she has a toy to reach for. She has been trying many different foods too! She has had so far: apples, pears, prunes and squash. She did so well with her first veggie, but I am nervous to start with the green vegetables, I don't want it to come back up. We'll have to see how it goes. I might try sweet peas next week. She is really getting better at working on her abs too. She tries to sit up if I have her leaning back, which I am so glad about. Before about 2 weeks ago she never really tried to sit up and I was thinking.. "I have a lazy baby!"!! HA! Not really, but I was glad to see her try to sit up, and she's starting to get her balance with sitting up too, not too long and she may be doing it on her own!!! She's not such a fan of the idea of crawling. I put her on her tummy and she pushes herself up with her arms, but as far as bringing her legs up under her, no... she doesn't like that. She wants them straight out behind her. I am sure it's too early for her to be really thinking about crawling anyways, I just think it's cute she wants to keep her legs behind her. :) Really, everything she does is cute, ya know?
Well, I will try to post her pictures later, I just had to get her 5 month posting up, I can't believe she's growing so fast right in front of my eyes!!!
We are going to try to make the Greek Festival downtown this weekend, might be fun!!! I'll hopefully get some pictures there if it doesn't rain the whole time...