Monday, March 15, 2010

It's official...

So, Madilyn has her very first ear infection... :( I was so sad! The last couple of days she's been really stuffed up from teething and possibly allergies. So, yesterday I noticed that she kept putting her finger in her ear and tipping her head to her shoulder on one specific side. I called the Dr. this morning so she had me come in... yep, ear infection in her left ear. Poor baby! We have the medicine, and strangely enough, her stuffiness is getting better also, hmmm.. maybe it's just a coincidence. She was pretty fussy for most of the day, and then tonight she went to bed great and is sleeping beautifully! YAY! I am glad the medicine seems to be working quickly! This will hopefully blow over quickly! :) (Dr. Mac also said that she is definitely getting more teeth, definitely part of the culprit... poor babies having to go through all of this, huh?)

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